Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Asthma & Treatment

Asthma and Treatment
Signs and symptoms Asthma and treatment
Asthma (inflammation): feeling breathless, a tight chest, wheezing, coughing and attacks triggered by exercise
Chronic lung diseases that inflame and narrow airways. No cure
This therapy all do the first time of illness or feeling breathless: to give honey and dates  (10 : 3), a lemon blander, one teaspoon in ½ cup of water  3 - 6 x daily;   Milligesic spray 3 x 3 spray/older 7 spray  & Milligesic oil 6 x 7 drops/older 15 drops  and  knock nerves with hair brush/brush on the whole body especially on stomach, chest, neck, and back smeared with Milligesic cream 3 x a day.  For prevention every day Milligesic oil 1 – 3 x 7 drops/older 15 drops. Older plus Milliasbat/asthma 3 x 1 – 2 capsules
Case studies
In generally the symptom decrease in 10 – 15 minute and recovery 5 – 7 days.
Somatic therapy
•  the knock nerves with brush on whole body smeared and Massage with Milligesic cream
Water Therapy
• shower warm water.
Therapy herbs
·         .Honey - dates (10 : 3) – a lemon blander 3 times a teaspoon in ½ cup of water or ½ cup of tea, honey and lemon, or  boiled; ginger, clove, nutmeg – honey or another jus fruit combining - honey drink  every day 3 x ½

·         Milligesic cream can change with mixture of coconut oil or olive oil 150 cc, lime a teaspoon, 3 nutmag,  3 lemon blander can decrease the fever, breathless and a tight chest.

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