Rabu, 16 Januari 2013



Kidney tumor is an abnormal growth of cells of the kidney tissue cells. Tumor or systematic software generally benign and malignant solid or cancer. Cancer is abnormal cell growth is very rapid and immediate surrounding cells. Cancer can damage cells divided uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue. to the tool body. Kidney cancer spreads quickly, especially to the lung
Generally occurs in older men and often there is bleeding in the urine.
These cancers generally begin to occur in men has continued since 50 to 70 years, kidney cancer is estimated to occur in two times greater than in women.
Cause not yet known with certainty, increasing age, obesity, high blood pressure, smoking, renal failure, radiation.
Symptoms of malignant renal tumors will provide further symptoms when it is among other bloody urine, high blood pressure, pain in the affected kidney, and weight loss
• total operating early cancer can be cured. Advanced cancer and chemotherapy plus radiation is used.
• Cancer / tumor kidney with  Milliturium, Milliginjal tonic, Millidarah tonic 3 times 1-2 capsules, Millimiristin & Milligesic oil MN and drinking 3-6 times 15 drops and rub on the illness and a lump with Milligesic oil. It used another Milliherb preparations in accordance with metastases. . Prevention MILLITURIUM 3 times daily 1 capsule, 1 capsule MILLIGINJAL Tonic & MILLIGESIC OIL MN 1 times 10 drops
• Before taking medication read " In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Mercifull " and believed in GOD that it can cured with this drug. Mutual sekeluraga Greetings, prayers and always pray Mudah2an tahajut curable disease.

Cases study
• Patients with cancer (dr A male 56 years) had stage IV renal surgery and has spread to the liver and lymph use since mid-January 2011 Milliturium, Milliginjal tonic, tonic Millidarah Millihepar and with each dose of one capsule three times, did not want to use Milligesic Oil development in a month despite some improvement, but very slow. Millidiab 1 capsule 3 times and 2 times 500 mg 1 tablet 3 times instead of 2.2 ml Insulin was found to normalize blood sugar. Drug withdrawal after taking two months and not monitored.
The effectiveness of these herbs as expressed more than modern medicine when the patient had been taking 2 capsules 3 times this medicine for 5 days the symptoms began to diminish in most patients consider traditional medicine as the spell that can heal in an instant, so that patients in general drug withdrawal.

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

Penanggulangan penyakit selama musim haji di Saudi Arabia

Penanggulangan penyakit selama musim haji di Saudi Arabia
Sehat, aman, murah, dan alami dengan jamu milliherb
Sriana azis apt.

1.       Musim haji tahun ini adalah musim gugur suhu sekitar 40 - 47 C tetapi kering
2.       Kelembaban di madinah 15 % - 40 % dan kota mekah 25 %- 60 %, jadi udara sangat kering.
3.       Udara sangat kering teruama di madinah, iklim lebih dingin dan lebih kering dari pada mekah. 
4.       Pada musim dingin menyebabkan para jemaah malas minum, sehingga menimbulkan dehidrasi yang mengakibatkan kulit kering & gatal, mimisan dan bibir pecah-pecah,  dan batuk-pilek terutama di madinah. Kulit kering & gatal gunakan millimiristin losion 2 kali sehari. Mencegah mimisan dan bibir pecah-olesi lobang hidung dan bibir dengan milligesic oil 2 -3 x sehari, batuk pilek dicegah dengan milliasbat setiap pagi 1 kapsul dan setiap malam minum 5 tetes millgesic oil.
5.       Keluhan penyakit kronis timbul karena capek, dehidrasi, serta kurang makan dan minum.
6.       Untuk mencegah penyakit makan cukup, minum 2 l sehari, makan buah. Hindari bepergian diluar shalat di mesjit dan gunakan masker.
7.       Untuk mencegah penyakit di saudi arabia gunakkan jamu milliherb, insya allah sehat selama musim haji
Jamu milliherb
1.       Jamu miliherb dibuat dari sayuran, rempah, dan tanaman disekitar kita yang tidak beracun. Berdosis kecil (500 mg) untuk memperbaiki fungsi sel.
2.       Terdiri dari 42 jenis sediaan tidak mungkin satu jenis obat untuk bermacam-macam penyakit.
3.       Keberhasilan insya allah > 90 %, ketidak berhasilan disebabkan putus obat.
4.       Milliherb berarti dengan dosis kecil (500 mg kering/kapsul) sudah dapat mencegah (1 kasul/hari) dan menyembukan penyakit (3 x 1 – 2 kapsul)
5.       Ditemukan berdasarkan hasil penelitan, telah dipatenkan dan terdaftar pada badan pom.
6.       Telah digunakan selama 11 tahun oleh dokter spesialis, dokter umum, pengobat dan dari mulut-kemulut.
Pencegahan penyakit kronis dengan jamu milliherb
1.       Pencegahan reumatik, pegel-linu, asam urat, urat kecepit gunakan sore hari 1 kapsul dan oleskan milligesic oil, pengobatan sehari 3 x 1 kapsul.
2.       Gangguan ginjal, milliginjal tonik 3 x 1 kapsul/hari.
3.       Liver,hepatitis dan batu empedu, millihepar 3 x 1 – 2 kapsul/hari
4.       Gangguan jantung, millijantung tonik 3 x 1 – 2 kapsul/hari
5.       Hipertensi, millitensi 3 x 1 kapsul/hari
6.       Diabetes, millidiab 3 x 1 kapsul
7.       Millimiristin atau millgesic oil dapat dioleskan dan diminum 5 tetes untuk sariawan, batuk-pilek, sakit gigi, herpes, jantung.
8.       Millidiar untuk maag parah 3 x 1 kapsul/hari, setiap selesai b a b 1 kapsul.
9.       Milliwasir 3 x 1 kapsul, sembelit malam 2 kapsul bangun tidur 1 kapsul.

Obat paket haji
·         Paket haji  Milliasbat mencegah batuk pilek setiap pagi 1 kapsul
·         Miligesic oil mencegah mimisan, bibir pecah, sariawan, dan batuk pilek oleskan ke dalam lobang hidung, bibir dan dapat diminum setiap malam 5 tetes untuk mencegah batuk pilek
·         Millimiristin lotion oleskan ke muka dan seluruh tubuh untuk mencegah kulit kering dan gatal-gatal
1.       Paket haji ii
·         Milliasbat mencegah batuk pilek setiap pagi 1 kapsul
·         Miligesic oil mencegah mimisan, bibir pecah, sariawan, dan batuk pilek oleskan ke dalam lobang hidung, bibir dan dapat diminum setiap malam 5 tetes untuk mencegah batuk pilek
·         Millimiristin lotion oleskan ke muka dan seluruh tubuh untuk mencegah kulit kering dan gatal-gatal
·         Milligesik   mencegah reumatik, pegel linu, asam urat dan urat kecepit siang 1 x 1 kapsul/ hari dan oleskan miliigesic oil pada tempat yang sakit.
2.       Ada pula paket jerawat, paket kanker, paket singset, paket penyegar pria, paket penyegar  wanita. 45 jenis jamu Milliherb terdiri dari ; untuk kolesterol, diabet, hipertensi, jantung, bocor ginjal, prostat, batu ginjal, tifus, herpes, demam berdarah, talasemia, otak, tonik mata, hepatitis, maag, diare,nyeri sendi dan reumatik,asam urat,  alergi kulit, pemutih, pelembab dan lainnya.

Ingat! Ingat! Ingat! Tujuan utama adalah menunaikan ibadah haji jadi cegah sakit sebelum hari h dengan pola hidup sehat, aman,murah dan alami dengan jamu milliherb serta hindari bepergian berlebihan

Terima kasih

Rabu, 09 Januari 2013


Komp. Pajak Cipadu, Jl. Kasuari 12, Cipadu Jaya, Tangerang, Indonesia. Telp. Home: 62.21.73451041, 6281514326270, srianazis@Gmail.com, Milliherb.blogspot.com

I am Sriana Azis, Dra, pharmacist, Airlangga University (Surabaya), Economist of Indonesia University (Jakarta), researcher of NIHRD - MOH of Indonesia and traditional healer.
Over past tweleveth  years, I have been  34 research formulas of Sriana's Milliherbs from Indonesian's herbs. The formula consists of > 30 dry herbs have a similar empirical effect. The herbs consist of vegetable, spices, and nontoxics herbs.  The hypothesis of these medicines are: small dose (500 mg dry herbs) as active factor for the body system are in balance and synergistic. The MILLIHERBS medicines promotes self cleansing, self repairs, and self healing. This process can be achieved by active factor on the immune, hormonal, nervous, and detoxification/elimination system of the body.
 To do efficiently, Milliherbs doctors/healers treat their patients by modern diagnosis, because this jamu (herbal) have been preparation for specific diseases. Usual dose is 3 – 6 times daily one capsule (500 mg dry herbs) for treatment and once daily for preventive,
Some products of  MILLIHERBS (formulas for cancer, hepatitis, pane, kidney function, diabetes, asthma and cough, cholesterol, pile, heart tonic, dyspepsia) got property right from Indonesia and the number of registration was P00200400356 and P00200500730.
The preparation, formulas, dilute substances, dose determines and uses of our formulas are different from homeopathy by S.Hahnemann MD.  Dilute substances are with another herbs,  which have similar empirical  effect.
Our medicines have promising result for the treatment of several diseases as such as,  asthma, bronchitis,  brain tonic, cancer, nephritic syndrome, cirrhosis, hepatitis A,B,C, anemia, blood tonic, thallassemia, diabetes, dyspepsia, TBC, malaria, myalgia, infection, cholesterol, hypertension, dermatitis, flu, leukaemia/ HIV,  herpes, pain, eye tonic, etc. I have been a new process invention, jamu dissolve in mixture oil and essential oil (Millimiristin). This oil is more effective than another jamu for antioxidant, anti infection/virus (dangue, herpes), decrease pain and  inflammation (cancer, rheumatic, myalgia, tooth ache, thrush  amandel, etc), injury (wound, psoriasis,  dermatitis), usual dose 3 times daily 10 drops before meal and can be dabbed.
In the study of cases study; these medicines have been effective approximately 90 % and nontoxic.
There are some of our cases used the product :
·         53 anemia patients (cure in 10 days), 7  thallassemia patients used blood tonic 3 times daily; after one month they delayed blood transfusion. If the age are young (5 years), transfusion until 8 month.
·         Approximately 30 nephritic syndrom patients  used the product 3 times daily, cured after 2 - 4 weeks. .
·         More than 100 tumor patients, used 3 – 6 times daily Milliturium 2 capsules and 10 drops Milligesic oil  can cure the tumor after 3 - 6 month. Tumor.  25 patients who received chemotherapy (six times) experienced nausea as the adverse reaction only for 30 minutes, and   35 patients of stadium III cancer used the product 6 times daily increased their  quality of life until know. Ulcer of cancer can cure which it is compress with Milligesic Oil or Millimiristin.
·         Resistant with  TBC drugs  used 3 – 6 times 2 capsules Millicento and 10 drops Milligesic for 3- 6 months etc.
·         6 patiens lupus cure with Millidarah Tonic/ Milliblood Tonic, Millileukemi, Milliginjal/ Millikidney Tonic each 3  times 1 capsule and 6 times 10 drops Milligesic Oil, the skin rubbe with Milligesic oil
This report is based on information supplied by sources (doctor, healer, patient, and supplier) believed to be reliable.
Some the preparation of Milliherb are:


The formula consists of > 30 dry herbs have a similar empirical effect. The herbs consist of vegetable, spices, and non toxics Indonesian herbs.  The hypothesis of these medicines are: small dose (500 mg dry herbs) as active factor for the body system are in balance and synergistic. The MILLITURIUM medicine promotes self cleansing, self repairs, and self healing. This process can be achieved by active factor on the immune, anti cancer hormonal, nervous, and detoxification/elimination system of the body.
 To do efficiently, Milliherb doctors/healers treat their patients by modern diagnosis, because this jamu (herbal) have been preparation for specific diseases. Usual dose is 3 – 6 times daily one capsule (500 mg dry herbs) for treatment and once daily for preventive. these medicines have been effective approximately 90 % and nontoxic.
INDICATION: prev./treatment of cancer, tumor, analgesic, antioxidan, antibodies etc.
DOSES: 3 – 6 times 1 – 2  capsules daily
Bottle 45 capsules
Indication support by patient used:
·         Tumor 3 – 6 month.
·         During chemotherapy, used combination with Milligesic oil and Millimirictin
·         Cancer everyday combination with Milligesic oil Mn 3 – 6 times 15 drops daily and rubbed the lump and the illness with Milligesic oil


The formula consists of > 30 dry herbs have a similar empirical effect. The herbs consist of vegetable, spices, and nontoxics herbs.  The hypothesis of these medicines are: small dose (500 mg dry herbs) as active factor for the body system are in balance and synergistic. The MILLIKIDNEY T. medicines promotes self cleansing, self repairs, and self healing. This process can be achieved by active factor on the immune, hormonal, nervous, diuretic and detoxification/elimination system of the body.
 To do efficiently, Milliherbs doctors/healers treat their patients by modern diagnosis, because this jamu (herbal) have been preparation for specific diseases. Usual dose is 3 – 6 times daily one capsule (500 mg dry herbs) for treatment and once daily for preventive
INDICATION: Diuretic, kidney stone, nephritic syndrome, kidney function, cholesterol, uric acid, antibodies, etc.
DOSES: 3 – 6 times 1 – 2  capsules daily
Bottle 45 capsules
Indication support by patient used:
·         Kidney stone               2 – 4  months
·         Cytitis                         1 – 2 weeks
·         Nephritic yndrom  everyday one caps. 3 times daily.
·         Kidney function everyday one caps 3 times daily, 4 – 6 weeks.


The formula consists of > 30 dry herbs have a similar empirical effect. The herbs consist of vegetable, spices, and non toxics herbs.  The hypothesis of these medicines are: small dose (500 mg dry herbs) as active factor for the body system are in balance and synergistic. The MILLIHEPAR medicines promotes self cleansing, self repairs, and self healing. This process can be achieved by active factor on the immune, hormonal, nervous, hepar and detoxification/elimination system of the body.
 To do efficiently, Milliherbs doctors/healers treat their patients by modern diagnosis, because this jamu (herbal) have been preparation for specific diseases. Usual dose is 3 – 6 times daily one capsule (500 mg dry herbs) for treatment and once daily for preventive. these medicines have been effective approximately 90 % and nontoxic.
INDICATION: Hepatitis, cirrhosis, gallstone, spleen,  antibodies, etc.
DOSES:  1 - 2 caps. 3 - 6 times daily. used combination with  Millimiristin 15 drops 6 times
Indication support by patient used:
·         Hepatitis                  3 – 12 months.
·         Cirrhosis      everyday.
·         Gallstone                  2  -  4  month.


The formula consists of > 30 dry herbs have a similar empirical effect. The herbs consist of vegetable, spices, and nontoxics herbs.  The hypothesis of these medicines are: small dose (500 mg dry herbs) as active factor for the body system are in balance and synergistic. The MILLIPILE medicines promotes self cleansing, self repairs, and self healing. This process can be achieved by active factor on the immune, hormonal, nervous, pile and detoxification/elimination system of the body.
 To do efficiently, Milliherbs doctors/healers treat their patients by modern diagnosis, because this jamu (herbal) have been preparation for specific diseases. Usual dose is 3 – 6 times daily one capsule (500 mg dry herbs) for treatment and once daily for preventive. these medicines have been effective approximately 90 % and nontoxic.
INDICATION: Hemorhoid, pile, constipation, antibodies, etc.
DOSES:   one caps. 3 times daily & with Milligesic oil
Bottle 45 capsules
Indication support by patient used:
·         Hemorrhoid, pile, external or internal  anal can compress with Milligesic oil at night
·         Constipation               2 – 3 caps. at night.


The formula consists of > 30 dry herbs have a similar empirical effect. The herbs consist of vegetable, spices, and nontoxics herbs.  The hypothesis of these medicines are: small dose (500 mg dry herbs) as active factor for the body system are in balance and synergistic. The MILLIGESIC medicines promotes self cleansing, self repairs, and self healing. This process can be achieved by active factor on the immune, hormonal, nervous, rheumatic, uric acid, analgetic, law back pain,  and detoxification/elimination system of the body.
 To do efficiently, Milliherbs doctors/healers treat their patients by modern diagnosis, because this jamu (herbal) have been preparation for specific diseases. Usual dose is 3 – 6 times daily one capsule (500 mg dry herbs) for treatment and once daily for preventive. these medicines have been effective approximately 90 % and nontoxic.
INDICATION: Analgesic, vertigo, bone pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatic, etc. 
DOSES: one caps 3 times daily. Used combination with  Milligesic Oil
Indication support by patient used:
·         Analgesic, tooth ache, vertigo, etc.
·         During chemotherapy.
·         Osteoporosis.
·         Arthritis, rheumatic. low back pain

The formula consists of > 30 dry herbs have a similar empirical effect. The herbs consist of vegetable, spices, and nontoxics herbs.  The hypothesis of these medicines are: small dose (500 mg dry herbs) as active factor for the body system are in balance and synergistic. The MILLIHERBS medicines promotes self cleansing, self repairs, and self healing. This process can be achieved by active factor on the immune, hormonal, nervous, and detoxification/elimination system of the body.
 To do efficiently, Milliherbs doctors/healers treat their patients by modern diagnosis, because this jamu (herbal) have been preparation for specific diseases. Usual dose is 3 – 6 times daily one capsule (500 mg dry herbs) for treatment and once daily for preventive. these medicines have been effective approximately 90 % and nontoxic.
INDICATION:   HEARTH tonic, hypertention, cholesterol, threeglyceride, antibodies, etc.
DOSES:  one caps 3 times daily.
Indication support by patient used:
Hearth tonic every day


The formula consists of > 30 dry herbs have a similar empirical effect. The herbs consist of vegetable, spices, and nontoxics herbs.  The hypothesis of these medicines are: small dose (500 mg dry herbs) as active factor for the body system are in balance and synergistic. The MILLICHOLEST medicines promotes self cleansing, self repairs, and self healing. This process can be achieved by active factor on the immune, hormonal, nervous, detoxification, elimination cholesterol, diuretic, three glycerride.
 To do efficiently, Milliherbs doctors/healers treat their patients by modern diagnosis, because this jamu (herbal) have been preparation for specific diseases. Usual dose is 3 – 6 times daily one capsule (500 mg dry herbs) for treatment and once daily for preventive. these medicines have been effective approximately 90 % and nontoxic.
INDICATION: CHOLESTEROL, hypertention, threeglyceride, , antibodies, etc.
DOSES:  1 – 2 caps 3 times daily.


The formula consists of > 30 dry herbs have a similar empirical effect. The herbs consist of vegetable, spices, and nontoxics herbs.  The hypothesis of these medicines are: small dose (500 mg dry herbs) as active factor for the body system are in balance and synergistic. The MILLITENS medicines promotes self cleansing, self repairs, and self healing. This process can be achieved by active factor on the immune, hormonal, nervous, and detoxification, eliminate  hypertension and diuretic..
 To do efficiently, Milliherbs doctors/healers treat their patients by modern diagnosis, because this jamu (herbal) have been preparation for specific diseases. Usual dose is 3 – 6 times daily one capsule (500 mg dry herbs) for treatment and once daily for preventive. these medicines have been effective approximately 90 % and nontoxic.
INDICATION:  hypertension, cholesterol, three glyceride, , antibodies, etc.
DOSES:  1 – 2 caps 3 times daily.
Indication support by patient used:
·         hypertention          every day.


The formula consists of > 30 dry herbs have a similar empirical effect. The herbs consist of vegetable, spices, and nontoxics herbs.  The hypothesis of these medicines are: small dose (500 mg dry herbs) as active factor for the body system are in balance and synergistic. The MILLIDIAB medicines promotes self cleansing, self repairs, and self healing. This process can be achieved by active factor on the immune, hormonal, nervous, diabetes and detoxification, eliminate system of the body.
 To do efficiently, Milliherbs doctors/healers treat their patients by modern diagnosis, because this jamu (herbal) have been preparation for specific diseases. Usual dose is 3 – 6 times daily one capsule (500 mg dry herbs) for treatment and once daily for preventive. these medicines have been effective approximately 90 % and nontoxic.
INDICATION:  DIABETES cholesterol, threeglyceride, antibodies, etc.
DOSES:  1 – 2 caps 3 times daily.
DIABETES every day


The formula consists of > 30 dry herbs have a similar empirical effect. The herbs consist of vegetable, spices, and nontoxics herbs.  The hypothesis of these medicines are: small dose (500 mg dry herbs) as active factor for the body system are in balance and synergistic. The MILLIASBAT medicines promotes self cleansing, self repairs, and self healing. This process can be achieved by active factor on the immune, hormonal, nervous, asthma, cought,  sinusitis  and detoxification/elimination system of the body.
 To do efficiently, Milliherbs doctors/healers treat their patients by modern diagnosis, because this jamu (herbal) have been preparation for specific diseases. Usual dose is 3 – 6 times daily one capsule (500 mg dry herbs) for treatment and once daily for preventive
INDICATION: ASTHMA, cough, sore throat, flu, sinusitis, antibodies etc.
DOSES: 1 –2 caps 3 times daily & with Milligesic oil 10 drops 3 times dayly.

MILLIPASGAR,  Madura Viagra

The formula consists of > 30 dry herbs have a similar empirical effect. The herbs consist of vegetable, spices, and nontoxics herbs.  The hypothesis of these medicines are: small dose (500 mg dry herbs) as active factor for the body system are in balance and synergistic. The MILLIHERBS medicines promotes self cleansing, self repairs, and self healing. This process can be achieved by active factor on the immune, hormonal, nervous, and detoxification/elimination system of the body.
 To do efficiently, Milliherbs doctors/healers treat their patients by modern diagnosis, because this jamu (herbal) have been preparation for specific diseases. Usual dose is 3 – 6 times daily one capsule (500 mg dry herbs) for treatment and once daily for preventive
INDICATION: APRODISIAC, healthy man, anodyne, antibodies, etc.
CONSTITUANTS: Piper longa, piper nigrum , zingiber officinarum, kaempferia galanga etc.
DOSES:  1 – 2 caps 3 times daily.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The formula consists of > 30 dry herbs have a similar empirical effect. The herbs consist of vegetable, spices, and nontoxics herbs.  The hypothesis of these medicines are: small dose (500 mg dry herbs) as active factor for the body system are in balance and synergistic. The MILLIHERBS medicines promotes self cleansing, self repairs, and self healing. This process can be achieved by active factor on the immune, hormonal, nervous, and detoxification/elimination system of the body.
 To do efficiently, Milliherbs doctors/healers treat their patients by modern diagnosis, because this jamu (herbal) have been preparation for specific diseases. Usual dose is 3 – 6 times daily one capsule (500 mg dry herbs) for treatment and once daily for preventive
INDICATION:  healthy women, libido, mucus relief & menstrual discomforts etc. 
DOSES: one caps 3 times daily  and rub with MILLISUSUT PERUT


The formula consists of > 30 dry herbs have a similar empirical effect. The herbs consist of vegetable, spices, and nontoxics herbs.  The hypothesis of these medicines are: small dose (500 mg dry herbs) as active factor for the body system are in balance and synergistic. The MILLIHERBS medicines promotes self cleansing, self repairs, and self healing. This process can be achieved by active factor on the immune, hormonal, nervous, and detoxification/elimination system of the body.
 To do efficiently, Milliherbs doctors/healers treat their patients by modern diagnosis, because this jamu (herbal) have been preparation for specific diseases. Usual dose is 3 – 6 times daily one capsule (500 mg dry herbs) for treatment and once daily for preventive
INDICATION:  ANTIOKSIDAN, pain, antivirus, herpes,  cancer, TBC, cough, thrush
DOSES:  10 – 15 drops 3 times daily & compress
Indication support by patient used:
·         Herpes, cancer 10 drops 3 – 6 times dailay.
·         DBD every 3 hours 10 drops & dring a glass of water.
·         Antioksidan every days

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The formula consists of > 30 dry herbs have a similar empirical effect. The herbs consist of vegetable, spices, and nontoxics herbs.  The hypothesis of these medicines are: small dose (500 mg dry herbs) as active factor for the body system are in balance and synergistic. The MILLISINGSET/SLIM medicines promotes self cleansing, self repairs, and self healing. This process can be achieved by active factor on the immune, hormonal, nervous, slim, diuretic and detoxification/elimination system of the body.
 To do efficiently, Milliherbs doctors/healers treat their patients by modern diagnosis, because this jamu (herbal) have been preparation for specific diseases. Usual dose is 3 – 6 times daily one capsule (500 mg dry herbs) for treatment and once daily for preventive
INDICATION:  healthy women, libido, mucus relief & menstrual discomforts etc. 
DOSES: one caps 3 times daily  and rub with MILLISUSUT PERUT