Medicinal have use of case studies Milliherb for:
• Tumor and cyst content and MILLIGALIAN and MILLITURIUM given 3 times a day 1-2 capsules, plus Milligesic oil 10 – 15 drops 6 times a day and applied tospread on the abdomen and the female reproductive organs or sprayed into the vagina 1 ml to accelerate healing (3-6 months). Symptoms should disappear after drinking MILLITURIUM 1 capsule daily for prevention.
• Tumor and brain cancer were given MILLITURIUM, MILLIGESIK/ milligesic capsule & tonic MILLIOTAK/BRAIN day 3-6 times a capsule, plus Millimiristin Milligesic oil and 15 drops 6 times a day to accelerate healing and use other Milliherb Herbal preparations in accordance with metastasis .. Prevention MILLITURIUM 3 times daily 1 capsule, 1 capsule and tonic MILLIOTAK/brain MILLIGESIC OIL 1 times 10 drops
• Cervical cancer were MILLITURIUM and MILLIGALIAN every day 3-6 times 2 capsules, plus Millimiristin & Milligesic oil 10 - 15 drops 6 times a day and applied to the abdomen and female reproductive organs sprayed 3 ml Milligesic Oil to speed healing and herbal medicine preparations using other Milliherb in accordance with metastasis .. Prevention MILLITURIUM and 3 times daily 1 capsule, and Millimiristin & MILLIGESIC OIL 1 times 10 drops.
• Breast cancer MILLITURIUM given 6 times daily 1-2 capsules, plus MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 10 - 15 drops 6 times a day and smeared or compress to the breast or a lump, when it accelerates wound healing compress with Milligesic oil and use other Milliherb herbal preparations in accordance with metastasis .. Prevention MILLITURIUM 3 times daily 1 – 2 capsules, and Millimiristin MILLIGESIC OIL 1 times 10 drops
• Lung Cancer MILLITURIUM given 2 capsules 3 times, MILLICENTO & MILLIASBAT 3 times 1 capsule. and MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 6-10 times 15 drops, can be dripped into the nose to accelerate healing. Prevention MILLITURIUM 3 times daily 1 capsule, MILLICENTO & MILLIASBAT1 capsule and MILLIGESIC OIL 3 times 10 drops, when lumps arise MILLIGESIC compressed with OIL and other Milliherb Herbal preparations used in accordance with their metastatic. .
• Nasopharyngeal cancer were given 2 capsules 3 times MILLITURIUM, MILLIGESIK & MILLIASBAT 3 X 1 capsule and MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 6 times 15 drops, can be dripped into the nose and ears to accelerate healing, when compressed a lump by MILLIGESIC OIL Milliherb herbs and other preparations used in accordance with the metastatic .. Prevention MILLITURIUM 3 times daily 1 capsule, 1 capsule MILLIGESIK & MILLIASBAT OIL, 1 times 10 drops MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL
• Liver cancer / cirrhosis / hepatoma MILLITURIUM and MILLIHEPAR given 6 times daily 1 capsule, plus MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 15 drops 6 times a day. Oil Milligesic oil compress to the abdomen or a lump and use other Milliherb Herbal preparations in accordance with metastases. Prevention MILLIHEPAR 3 times daily 1 capsule, 1 capsule and MILLITUTIUM, MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 1 times 10 drops
• Colon cancer; MILLIWASIR MILLITURIUM given 6 times daily 1-2 capsules, plus MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 15 drops 6 times a day and sprayed 3 ml or compress into the rectum to accelerate the recovery and use other Milliherb Herbal preparations in accordance with metastases .. Prevention MILLITURIUM 3 times daily 1 capsule, 1 capsule and MILLIWASIR; MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 1 times 10 drops
•Blood cancer or leukemia were given MILLILEUKEMIA, MILLIDAR/BLOOD tonic and MILLIHEPAR MILLI3 times daily 1 capsule, plus MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 15 drops 6 times a day. Milligesic Oil compress applied to the abdomen or a lump and use other Milliherb Herbal preparations in accordance with metastases. Prevention MILLILEUKEMI 3 times daily 1 capsule, 1 capsule MILLIDARAH tonics, MILLIGESIC & MILLIHEPAR, MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 1 times 10 drops
• Cancer glands were given MILLITURIUM 6 times daily 2 capsules, plus MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 15 drops 6 times a day and MILLIGESIC OIL compress on the lump, because compress accelerate lump & wound healing and other Milliherb Herbal preparations used in accordance with metastases .. Prevention MILLITURIUM 3 times daily 1 capsule and MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 1 times 10 drops
• Cancer of the tongue; MILLIASBAT & MILLITURIUM given 6 times daily 2 capsules, plus MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL a day averaging 10 x15 drops on the tongue, to accelerate healing of cotton soaked in oil Milligesic compress the tongue let stand until no longer ad Milligesic oil & it added or 3 x brush the tongue, tooth & gum with MILLIGESIC OIL. Herbal preparations and use other appropriate Milliherb with metastatis. Prevention MILLITURIUM 3 times daily 1 capsule, 1 capsule MILLIGESIC & MILLIASBAT; MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 1 times 10 drops
• Bone cancer; given MILLITURIUM & MILLIGESIK 6 times daily 2 capsules, plus MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 15 drops 6 times or every illness a day and smeared or compress on the lump and all the illness to accelerate healing and use other Milliherb Herbal preparations in accordance with metastases .. Prevention MILLITURIUM 3 times daily 1 capsule, 1 capsule MILLIGESIK, MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 1 times 10 drops
• Cancer / tumor kidney Milliturium, Milliginjal tonic,& Millidarah tonic 3 times 1-2 capsules and MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL drinking 3-6 times 15 drops and rub on the lump & the illness with MILLIGESIC OIL and use other Milliherb Herbal preparations in accordance with metastases. . Prevention MILLITURIUM 3 times daily 1 capsule, 1 capsule and MILLIGINJAL TONIC; MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 1 times 10 drops
• Cancer / Prostate tumor; Milliturium, Milliprostat 3 times 2 capsules and MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL drinking 3-6 times and apply 15 drops 3 times a day or rub 6 times the illness with MILLIGESIC OIL and use other Milliherb Herbal preparations in accordance with metastases .. Prevention MILLITURIUM 3 times daily 1 capsule, 1 capsule MILLIPROSTAT, and MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 1 times 10 drops
• Skin cancer, given MILLITURIUM, MILLIALERG every day 3-6 times 1-2 capsules, plus MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 10 drops 6 times a day and compress into bumps and cuts, and use MILLISABUN LULUR each bath. Occur metasetasis use other Milliherb Herbal preparations in accordance with metastases. Prevention MILLITURIUM 3 times daily 1-2 capsules, and MILLIGESIC MILLIALERG OIL 1 times 10 drops
• Lupus; given MILLILEUKEMIA, MILLIDARAH tonic, tonic MILLIGINJAL 3 times daily 1 capsule, MILLIMIRISTIN & MILLIGESIC OIL 3 times 15 drops and smeared or compress the patches on the skin and pain. This drug is taken forever, if there is improvement the dose can be lowered.
• Thyroid; MILLIKUNIR or MILLITURIUM given 1 - 2 capsule 3 times and MILLIGESIC OIL 15 drops 6 times a day and applied 6 times or compress (faster recovery) on the lump.
(62.21.73451041 and 62.81514326270)
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