Sabtu, 30 Mei 2015


Hingga sekarang masih belum diketahui secara pasti penyebab varikokel, tetapi dari pengamatan membuktikan bahwa varikokel sebelah kiri lebih sering dijumpai daripada sebelah kanan (varikokel sebelah kiri 70–93 %).
Pasien datang ke dokter biasanya mengeluh belum mempunyai anak setelah beberapa tahun menikah, atau kadang-kadang mengeluh adanya benjolan di atas testis yang terasa nyeri.
Pemeriksaan dilakukan dalam posisi berdiri, dengan memperhatikan keadaan skrotum kemudian dilakukan palpasi. Jika diperlukan, pasien diminta untuk melakukan mengedan. Jika terdapat varikokel, terdapat bentukan seperti kumpulan cacing-cacing di dalam kantung yang berada di sebelah kranial testis.
Diperhatikan pula konsistensi testis maupun ukurannya, dengan membandingkan testis kiri dengan testis kanan. Untuk lebih objektif dalam menentukan besar atau volume testis dilakukan pengukuran dengan alat orkidometer. Pada beberapa keadaan mungkin kedua testis teraba kecil dan lunak, karena telah terjadi kerusakan pada sel-sel germinal.
Belum diketahui.
·     Pada umumnya dioperasi
·     Untuk memperkecil dan memperlancar peredaran darah MILLIPASGAR ATAU VIAGRA MADURA jamu Milliherb pengobatan sehari 3 kali 2 kapsul dan minum Mlligesic oil 3 kali 15 tetes,
·     TERAPI PIJAT: DIKAKUKAN SENDIRI setiap hari oleskan Millihesic Oil  pada tempat varikokel dan organ reprofuksi dan ketuk syaraf dengan tusuk gigi pelan-pelan dan pijat. ke arah luar sambil ditarik selama hitungan 15 ulangi 5 kali dan pijatan memutar dari bawah ke atas ulangi 5 kali
·     bagi orang Islam sewaktu duduk antara dua sujut tumit dibawah anus dan olahraga holahop.
·     Kesuburan ditambah MILLISUBUR TONIK sehari 3 kali 1 kapsul dan Vitamin C 1000 g setiap malam.
·     Penderita diabet ditambah Millidiab.
·     Sebelum minum obat membaca “Bismillahir rahmanir rohim” dan bermohon pada Allah serta yakin sembuh dengan obat ini.
Studi kasus
Hasil pengamatan seperti tersebut di bawah ini:
·     Pengobatan varikokel  lebih dari seratus orang sehari 3 kali 2 kapsul  dan 3 x 15 tetes Milligesic oil disertai terapi ketuk syaraf dan pijat sendiri. Menunjukan perbaikan setelah 3 – 15 hari pengobatan diteruskan sampai pembengkakan syaraf  hilang ( 1 – 2 bulan)
·     Telah didgunakan lebih besar dari lebih dari 30 penderita varikokel.
·     Peningkatan kesuburan tergantung dari kehendak Allah, dari studi kasus menyatakan sefitar 30 %.
·     Telah digunakan oleh dokter spesialis kulit dan kelamin.
Meskipun effikasinya tidak sebaik Viagra tetapi cukup akurat untuk meningkatkan stamina dan penyembuhan permanen bila disertai ketuk syaraf dan pijat organ reproduksi pria. Telah digunakan oleh dokter spesialis kulit dan kelamin dan Klinik Griya Pengobatan Jamu Milliherba untuk Terapi Pasutri. 
Terapi somatik adalah pengobatan berkenaan dengan tubuh.
·     Aerobik dan atau olah raga,
·     Pijat dan atau refleksi
Terapi air
·     Memanasi kaki dengan selimut kering.
·     Mandi sambil duduk dengan air hangat atau air dingin atau bergantian
·     Mandi air dingin dapat meningkatkan kesuburan.
·     Minuman keras, kopi, garam, makanan berlemak, makanan lekas saji, gorengan. dan sembelit.
Terapi Minuman
·     Jus tomat dan atau wortel, semangla, alpukat, sawo, jeruk dan jambu biji 100 gr
  • Minuman didihkan 200 g jahe, 100 g kencur, 100 g kunyit 100 g lengkuas, daun ginseng jawa 5 pohon/ pace 5 buah, 20 g lada, 25 g, 19 lembar daun melati, cengkeh, sereh 3 pohon, pala 3 biji, garam, gula merah 50 g, secangkir air kapur, dan air 2 liter didihkan selama 15 menit dinginkan saring masukkan ke lemari pendingin setiap pagi dan sore hari minum ½ gelas.
  • Tidak ada pantangan “ Makan secukupnya tidak berlebihan.

Peringatan bagi penderita diabetes jangan diberi gula.

nephrotic syndrom

Nephrotic syndrom and Treatment
Signs and symptoms   and treatment

The term "nephrotic syndrome" refers to a group of symptoms and laboratory findings that may occur in people with certain kinds of kidney (renal) disease:
●High levels of protein (albumin) in the urine
●Low levels of the protein (albumin) in the blood
●Swelling (also called edema) of the face, legs, or ankles due to the abnormal collection of fluids in the tissues, usually accompanied by weight gain. (uptodate
How are glomeruli damaged? — Many different disorders can cause damage to the glomeruli, resulting in nephrotic syndrome. In some cases, damage is confined to the kidneys alone. In other cases, organs other than the kidney are also affected (such as in diabetes mellitus or systemic lupus erythematosus).
In children, the most common cause of glomerular damage is a condition known as minimal change disease.
In adults, approximately 30 percent of people with nephrotic syndrome have an underlying medical problem, such as diabetes or lupus; the remaining cases are due to kidney disorders such as minimal change disease, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), or membranous nephropathy. (

The  knock nerves on the skin with brush on (ache, inflammation and tumor) is stimulate nerve periphery to increase blood flow. The blood flow is running well, it can relieve pain symptoms of pain, inflammation, shrink the tumor and that all diseases can be cured quickly. It is for first-aid selves medication and clinical medication
Nephrotic syndrome; Diet for people since 45 years : to give ; honey 3 spoon – 1 Tin fruit – 7 Olive fruit – 7 dates – 1 water lemon - water 200 cc blander for 2 x daily. Milliginjal/ kidney tonic, Millidarah/blood tonic 3 x 1 – 2 capsules each; Milligesic Oil 3 times 15 drops & Milligesic spray 3 x 1 – 3 spray and the knock nerves with on stomach and back 1 - 2  times daily smeared with Milligesic cream. In generally   it could heal her illness in  1- 2 month. For  preventive; every day 2 – 3 x 1 capsule Millkidney tonic and 2 x a spray Milligesic spray, and the knock nerves with on stomach and back 3  times  a week smeared with Milligesic cream
Case studies                                                                        
In generally the symptom of nephrotic decreased  in 10 – 15 minute and recovery 1 – 2 month.

Somatic therapy
•  the knock nerves with brush on whole body smeared and Massage with Milligesic cream
Water Therapy
• shower warm water or alternately..
Therapy herbs
·         honey 3 spoon – 1 Tin fruit – 7 Olive fruit – 7 dates – 1 water lemon - water 200 cc blander for 2 x daily,.

·         Milligesic cream can change with mixture of coconut oil/Olive oil 150 cc, lime a teaspoon, 3 fruit nutmag,  3 lemon blander smeared on the body can decrease the  pain and inflammation

Jumat, 29 Mei 2015

heart diseases

Heart diseases and Treatment
Signs and symptoms   and treatment

A myocardial infarction happens in part due to decreased blood flow to the heart muscle itself. This decrease occurs typically when a vessel, narrowed, (or stenosed) due to atherosclerosis as plaques of lipid (fatty) material build up in blood vessels, is blocked by a blood clot or a breakup of the plaque material. Other blood vessels, particularly the carotid arteries to the brain and small vessels in the legs, can also be affected and produce disease, either stroke in the case of the carotid stenosis, or peripheral vascular disease in the case of blood vessels in the leg. (WHO)

The link between smoking and heart disease has been well described in populations all over the world. Twenty five year follow up of the Seven Countries Study, (16 cohorts of men aged 40 to 59 at enrolment in the USA, Finland, the Netherlands, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, Greece and Japan), reported a dose-dependent increase in risk of death. After 25 years, 57.7% of persons smoking 30 cigarettes per day had died, compared to only 36.3% of non-smokers1. Additional long-term data come from a 40 year follow up of British physicians which noted that excess mortality from cardiovascular disease was two times higher among smokers compared to non-smokers but that this ratio was even more extreme during middle age (WHO)

The  knock nerves on the skin with  brush on (ache, inflammation and tumor) is stimulate nerve periphery to increase blood flow. The blood flow is running well, it can relieve pain symptoms of pain, inflammation, shrink the tumor and that all diseases can be cured quickly. It is for first-aid selves - medication and clinical medication
Diet juice; Alqur'an;honey 3 spoon - 1Tin fruit – 7 Olive fruits – 7 dates - 1lemon - water 200cc blander for 2 x daily. or honey : dates : lemon (9 : 3 : 1) 6 x 1 – 2 spoon daily or honey : dates : pomegranate (7 :3 : 3) or boil  15 minute; ginger 50g, piper 5 g, curcumin 50g, nutmeg 3 fruit, clove 15 flower, lime water 100 cc and water 1000 cc drink 6 times a cup with slice of lemon.  
Heart diseases: Milliheart Tonic and Millikidney Tonic 3 - 6 x 1 – 2 capsules each Milliherb spray 3 -6  x 1 – 3 spray and Millimiristin3 x a teaspoon daily. The knock nerves with brush on the whole body especially stomach and back, neck and head smeared with Milligesic cream heals quickly and to make healthy 2 x a day, it can do your selves and prevent every day  Millheart tonic and Millikidney 3 x 1 capsule each .and Milligesic spray 3 x  one spray.
Case studies                                                                        
In generally the symptom decrease in 10 – 15 minute and recovery  11 –21 days. Some cases doctor said that not healing for 1 – 2 years, but they can recovery in 11 – 21 days.

Somatic therapy
•  the knock nerves with brush on whole body smeared and Massage with Milligesic cream
Water Therapy
• shower warm water or alternately..
Therapy herbs
·         Honey and dates (10 : 3), nutmeg a fruit, & lemon 1fruit blander 3 times  a spoon in  200 cc water daily and immunity increases.

·         Milligesic cream can change with mixture of coconut oil/Olive oil 150 cc, lime a teaspoon, 3 fruit nutmeg,  3 lemon blander smeared on the body can decrease the fever, breathe fast, pain and inflammation

Kamis, 28 Mei 2015


Lupus and Treatment
Signs and symptoms   and treatment

The immune system is designed to attack foreign substances in the body. If you have lupus, something goes wrong with your immune system and it attacks healthy cells and tissues. This can damage many parts of the body such as the: Joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels, brain
There are many kinds of lupus. The most common type, systemic lupus erythematosus, affects many parts of the body. Other types of lupus are:
·         Discoid lupus erythematosus—causes a skin rash that doesn't go away
·         Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus—causes skin sores on parts of the body exposed to sun
·         Drug-induced lupus—can be caused by medications
·         Neonatal lupus—a rare type of lupus that affects newborns.(niams.nih./health/lupus)

The  knock nerves on the skin with brush on (ache, inflammation and tumor) is stimulate nerve periphery to increase blood flow. The blood flow is running well, it can relieve pain symptoms of pain, inflammation, shrink the tumor and that all diseases can be cured quickly. It is for first-aid selves medication and clinical medication
There is no cure. Drugs only inhibit the activity of the disease and secondary infections. The act of praying and confident cured; every aching knock nerves with head, neck, back, arms, legs and stomach and smeared Milligesic cream. They do knock nerves throughout the body 8 times a month.
Herbal Milliherb; 1 capsule 3 times daily each Millidarah/blood tonic, Milligesik and Milliginjal/kidney. Milligesic spray 3 x 3 – 5 ,spray, 3Milligesic oil & Millimiristin 1 teaspoon 3 times each.
For hair lost, used coconut oil, tea and slice lemon 1 hour before hair wash.
Case studies                                                                        
In generally the symptom of lupus decreased  in 10 – 15 minute and the symtoms for 6 month and recovery 1 year.  Recomandation used Milliherb for ever and the doses can  decrease Case study 8 persons, 6 drug withdrawal, 2 states recovered in 1 year and they don’t used again Milliherb for preventive.

Somatic therapy
•  the knock nerves with brush on whole body smeared and Massage with Milligesic cream
Water Therapy
• shower warm water or alternately..
Therapy herbs
·         honey 3 spoon – 1 Tin fruit – 7 Olive fruit – 7 dates – 1 water lemon - water 200 cc blander for 2 x daily, or cucurmin 100 g – ginger 100 g – clove 25 g – piper 15 g – nutmeg 25 g –  allium sativum 25 g – vinca rosea 25 g -3 water lemon - a glass of lime water – water 3000 cc boil 15’ used 3 – 5 x 100 cc + honey a spoon daily

·         Milligesic cream can change with mixture of coconut oil/Olive oil 150 cc, lime a teaspoon, 3 fruit nutmag,  3 lemon blander smeared on the body can decrease the  pain and inflammation.

Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

thyroids &cancer thyroids

Thyroids and Treatment
Signs and symptoms   and treatment

All types of hyperthyroidism are due to an overproduction of thyroid hormones, but the condition can occur in several ways:
·         Graves' disease: The production of too much thyroid hormone.
·         Toxic adenomas: Nodules develop in the thyroid gland and begin to secrete thyroid hormones, upsetting the body's chemical balance; some goiters may contain several of these nodules.
·         Subacute thyroiditis: Inflammation of the thyroid that causes the gland to "leak" excess hormones, resulting in temporary hyperthyroidism that generally lasts a few weeks but may persist for months.
·         Pituitary gland malfunctions or cancerous growths in the thyroid gland: Although rare, hyperthyroidism can also develop from these causes.
Hypothyroidism, by contrast, stems from an underproduction of thyroid hormones. Since your body's energy production requires certain amounts of thyroid hormones, a drop in hormone production leads to lower energy levels.
Causes of hypothyroidism include:
·         Hashimoto's thyroiditis: In this autoimmune disorder, the body attacks thyroid tissue. The tissue eventually dies and stops producing hormones.
·         Removal of the thyroid gland: The thyroid may have been surgically removed or chemically destroyed.
·         Exposure to excessive amounts of iodide: Cold and sinus medicines, the heart medicine amiodarone, or certain contrast dyes given before some X-rays may expose you to too much iodine.You may be at greater risk for developing hypothyroidism if you have had thyroid problems in the past.
·         Lithium: This drug has also been implicated as a cause of hypothyroidism.
Untreated for long periods of time, hypothyroidism can bring on a myxedema coma, a rare but potentially fatal condition that requires immediate hormone treatment. (
The  knock nerves on the skin with brush on (ache, inflammation and tumor) is stimulate nerve periphery to increase blood flow. The blood flow is running well, it can relieve pain symptoms of pain, inflammation, shrink the tumor and that all diseases can be cured quickly. It is for first-aid selves medication and clinical medication
Milliturium drink 3 - 6 times 2 capsules, Milligesic spray 3 – 3 – 5 spray and Milligesic oil  6 times 15 drops, knock nerves on the affected part with a brush and smeared with Milligesic cream 6 times a day. reduced symptoms and recover within 2 – 4 weeks. drinking prevention Milligesic oil 15 drops every a day and spread with cream Milligesic affected part
Thyroid cancers : Milliturium drink 3 - 6 times 2 capsules, Milligesic spray 3 – 6 x 5 spray and Milligesic oil  6 times teaspoon, knock nerves on the affected part with a brush and smeared with Milligesic cream 6 times a day. reduced symptoms and recover within  1 – 3 months. drinking prevention Milliturium   3 x 1 – 2 capsules, Milligesic oil 3 x 15 drops every  day and knock nerves with brush on the whole body especially on the affected part & spread with Milligesic cream.
For hair lost, used coconut oil, tea and slice lemon 1 hour before hair wash.
Case studies                                                                        
In generally the symptom of hyperthyroid & hipothyroid  decreased  in 10 – 15 minute and recovery 1 – 2 month. Cancer cure symptom for 1 – 2 month, used Milliherb for ever and the doses can  decrease

Somatic therapy
•  the knock nerves with brush on whole body smeared and Massage with Milligesic cream
Water Therapy
• shower warm water or alternately..
Therapy herbs
·         honey 3 spoon – 1 Tin fruit – 7 Olive fruit – 7 dates – 1 water lemon - water 200 cc blander for 2 x daily, or cucurmin 100 g – ginger 100 g – clove 25 g – piper 15 g – nutmeg 25 g –  allium sativum 25 g – vinca rosea 25 g -3 water lemon - a glass of lime water – water 3000 cc boil 15’ used 3 – 5 x 100 cc + honey a spoon daily

·         Milligesic cream can change with mixture of coconut oil/Olive oil 150 cc, lime a teaspoon, 3 fruit nutmag,  3 lemon blander smeared on the body can decrease the  pain and inflammation.

Senin, 25 Mei 2015


Cikungunyah  and Treatment
Signs and symptoms
 and treatment
symptoms may include rash, headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and myalgias. Fevers typically last from several days up to 1 week; the fever can be biphasic. Joint symptoms are severe and often debilitating. They are usually symmetric and occur most commonly in hands and feet, but they can affect more proximal joints. Rash usually occurs after onset of fever. It is typically maculopapular, involving the trunk and extremities, but can also include palms, soles, and face. (
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a single-stranded RNA virus. The risk of a person transmitting the virus to a biting mosquito or through blood is highest when the patient is viremic during the first 2–6 days of illness. Maternal-fetal transmission has been documented during pregnancy. The highest risk occurs when a woman is viremic at the time of delivery, with a vertical transmission rate of 49%. However, studies have not found CHIKV in breast milk. (cdc,gov)
This therapy all do the first time of illness: to give honey and dates  (10 : 3) blander, one teaspoon 3 x daily  and Milligesic spray 3 x 1spray  and Milli
miristin    3 x 3 - 5 drops  can be used on mom nipples and  knock nerves with hair brush for baby on the whole body especially on stomach, chest, neck, nose and back smeared with Milligesic cream 2 x a day.
Adult; every fever to knock nerves with hair brush on the whole body and smeared with Milligesic cream. Treatment; Millifection & Milligesic  3-6 times 1-2 capsules,Milligesic spray 3 – 6 x 5 spray and Millimitistin & Milligesic oil 3 – 6 times 15 drops each and nose spilled  Millgesic spray 3 x 1 spray, knock nerves with brush the affected part and smeared with cream Milligesic 3 times a day. reduced symptoms and recover within 5 – 9 days month. drinking prevention Milligesic spray  2 x 1 spray every day and spread with cream Milligesic affected part
Case studies                                                                        
In generally the symptom decrease in 10 – 15 minute and recovery 5 - 9 months.
Somatic therapy
•  the knock nerves with brush on whole body smeared and Massage with Milligesic cream
Water Therapy
• shower warm water or alternately..
Therapy herbs
·         Honey and dates (10 : 3), nutmeg a fruit, & lemon 1fruit blander 3 times  a spoon in  200 cc water daily and immunity increases.

·         Milligesic cream can change with mixture of coconut oil/Olive oil 150 cc, lime a teaspoon, 3 fruit nutmeg,  3 lemon blander smeared on the body can decrease the fever, breathe fast, pain and inflammation