Senin, 15 September 2014


 Signs and symptoms diarrhea and treatment
Symptoms of   diarrhea: your infant's bowel movements become much more frequent and watery all of a sudden, he probably has diarrhea.
your infant's bowel movements become much more frequent
This therapy all do the first time of illness: to give honey and dates  (10 : 3) blander, one teaspoon 3 x daily  and Milligesic oil Mn (for baby) 5 - 10 drops every stool can be used on mom nipples and anus compress with Milligesic cream and  knock nerves with hair brush for baby on the whole body especially on stomach, and back smeared with Milligesic cream 3 x a day.  
Case studies
In generally the symptom decrease fever in 10 – 15 minute and recovery 1 – 2 days. \

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